1.ETT parts 3indication sterilize(gamma rays)
2.Plain Xray abdomen erect posture wid multiple air fluid level showing small intestinal obstruction it 2causes
3.Plastic tracheostomy tube wid cuff its parts 2indicationz 3points of after ...care 3 complicationz
Thyroid ca t/m in high risk pt complication t/m 4 bony mets
Suction bottle drain its uses its insertion 2cmplications it prevent
Dever retractor parts uses and sterilization
X-ray of fracture of radius ulna t/m
X-ray pelvis PRI SEC blader stone
Cholelithiasis 4complicaton t/m
MNG invst t/m cmpliction of surgery
Mammary fistula presentation of periductal mastitis t/m and its association(smoking)
Proctoscope its parts uses contraindcation and how sterilized(autoclav)
Ct of depres skul frcture clinical feature... t/m
3way foley's parts 3indication 2complication.
ETT 2uses anesthesia used cmplicationz
T-tube where&when used on which it iz remove&removal of distal cbd stone
Interactive station of grave disease
Interactive gas undr diaphragm 3cause 3finding
...Trucut biopsy nedle parts 2indication 3pre-requisities for liver biopsy 2cmplicationz
Foley right inguinoscrotal swelling gas under diaphragm(on 2stationz) ct of parietal bone proctoscope iv canula foley on interactive station and cmplication of patelar fracture
Oxalate stone cmplcation t/m hormone respnsble 4 r...ecur
Bulldog clamps indication
NG tube 2diagnostc 3therapeutic indication&resp cmplction
Pic of breast ca wid nipple retraction peau de orange appearance due2 blckage of s/c lymphatic chanel by tumor and stage 4
Intrctiv station
Mark deep inguinal ring incision 4 hrnial rpair wht is herniotomy&tnsion free repair
Incised wound type of healing 4fctor increase&decrease healing
Burn rule of 9 initial t/m 2late cmplication
...Ct brain extradural hematoma vessel injured(middle meningeal artery) lucid interval t/m
Last yr Ospe,Surgry(2009);
1thyroid substernal
,2 cholangitis,
3.percutaneous colageogarm,
4.ng tub,
...5.submandibular sweling,
6.fract tibia,
7.paraumblicl hernia,
8.cervicl spin xry.injury ,
11.Pelvic fracture crushing forcep
12.vicryl suture
...13.MNG breast ca
14.acute pancreatitis ERCP.
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