MEDICINE (UMDC Feb 07, 2012)
Static Stations:
1. LP needle and its uses
2. Sodium bicarbonate and its Indications
3. Psoriasis lesions and joint deformity...Psoriatic Arthritis
4. Cushing syndrome due to corticosteroid use for asthma and a photo shown with sign seen on face (moon face)
5. Infective endocarditis and investigations
6. Schizophrenia and two drugs that are used for it
7. Pericardial effusion, don't remember the questions... :P
8. Bilateral hilar lymph adenopathy and differential diagnosis of it
9. Rhematiod arthritis and its deformities shown in a photo (It was a hand with ulnar deviation, button hole deformity)
10. ?
1. Tetunus immunization in a 30 year old man with road side accidental wound
2. Diabetes in an obese person recently diagnosed...counsel the patient.
3. Cerebral infarct and management
4. Pulmonary embolism and its management
MEDICINE ( SIMS Feb 07, 2012)
(1) Hepatitis B counseling, (ii) Salbutamol, (iii) NG tube , (iv) Status epilepticus
ECG atrial flutter, Plantar reflex, vitiligo (identify the picture, diseases associated with it and most common areas of involvement) , Anxiety disorder, CLD , Metabolic acidosis, X-ray showing aortic arch, 1st rib, manubrium, right and left pulmonary artery & vein , right and left bronchus,trachea, Pyogenic meningitis.
MEDICINE OSPE ( AIMC Feb 07, 2012 )
Acne vulgaris, Depression, X-ray pneumothorax
1) ETT and its uses 2) SLE picture, 3) Meningitis diagnosis, d/d and one specific test, 4) ECG anterior wall MI and its investigations, 5) Parkinsonism diagnose and 3 drugs for it 6) Acromegaly diagnosis and two tests 7) Digoxin its use and Contraindications 8) X-ray of lung collapse 9) Picture of spider navi.
MEDICINE OSPE ( QAMC Feb 07, 2012 )
1. EcG MI
2. Atrial flutter
3. CPR perform
4. CPR just examine
5.Folleys catheter
6. Scleroderma
7. Counseling of depression
8. Counseling upper GI bleed
9. You found a person unconscious at roadside, how will you procede?
10. CA lung X-ray...What is the cause of hyponatremia and hypercalcemia.
11. X-ray chest for TB with ghon's 6 anti tb drugs.
12. CT scan (hematoma of brain)
MEDICINE OSPE ( PMC Feb 07, 2012 )
1. LP Needle and indications
2. Grave's disease (2 eye signs and 2 drugs
3. DKA and its management
4. Thrombocytopenia and measure to stop blood before surgery
5. Poststreptococcus glomerulonephritis
6. X-ray pleural effusion and 4 causes
7. Cavitating lesion of lung and its 4 causes
8. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (joint disease)
9. Infective endocarditis and management.
1. Status epilepticus and treatment
2. Pulmonary edema and management
3. Depression and drugs
4. DM, and life style and diet modifications
MEDICINE OSPE ( LMDC Feb 07, 2012 )
1. Rhuematoid arthritis and causes
2. Erythema nodusum and treatment
3. Brain abcess on CT scan called ring enhancement lesion and tretment
4. CCF/pericarditis on x-ray
6. Bipolar disorder
7. CT sacn bronchiectatsis
1. HIV counseling
2. Postpartum psycoisis conseling
3. Resusuitation with ambu bag and cardiac thumb, resusutation of uncouncious pateint
4. Atrial fibrllation
MEDICINE OSPE ( UMDC Feb 08, 2012 )
1. Herpes zoster, treatmnt and complications
2. Obsessive compulsive disorder, diagnosis, treatment
3. X-ray chest showing opacity, findings and THREE differential diagnoses
4. Cerebral infarction, diagnosis and THREE causes
5. Ventricular tachycardia , diagnosis, immediate steps of management, TWO causes
6. Bronchiactesis, FIVE causes and FOUR investigations
7. Acute gout, THREE drugs for treatment,
8. Uremic encephalopathy, TWO physical sign, management
9. Meningitis, investigations, drugs
10. MI with DM
11. Pulmonary edema,
12. H.pylori
13.Diabetes Melitis
MEDICINE OSPE ( LMDC Feb 08, 2012 )
1. Atropine uses and contraindications
2. Tetanus
3. Acute exacerbation of COPD/ (Pulsus paradosus...?)
4. Oropharyngeal airway, uses and how to use,
1. ST elevation (MI/Pericarditis)
2. Percussion(picture with percussing hands) types and findings in respiratory system
4. RA.. FOUR radiological findings, FOUR drugs
5. x-ray chest of TB other radiological findings, abnormality in x-ray
6. Cerebral infarction frontal lobe =>causes, how the patient will present
7. Acidosis
8. Schizoprenia, drugs, extra-pyramidal syndrome
9. Sting bite => urticaria, types, anaphylactoid shock
10. Matching-- Biting nails anxiety, Vasculitis Splinter hemorrhages, Koilonychia Iron deficiency, Psoriasis Pitting nails, Half and half nails CRF.
MEDICINE OSPE ( AIMC Feb 08, 2012 )
Interactive stations:
1. A pillow was placed on a bed with sternum drawn on the paper and the paper placed on the pillow. The command was patient is BP less pulse-less now proceed.We were suppose to perform CPR.
2. Patient is depressed, counsel him. Will you give SSRIs in morning or at night?
3. The patient is unconscious. Now proceed...we were suppose to do BLS.
4. The patient is HBV possitive.counsel him. What is the duration of interferon therapy and followup?(interferone 1 year followup 3 monthly). How to protect other house mates (vaccination).
Non interactive station:
1. Acute coronary syndrome and management
2. Thalasaemia
3. SLE (butterfly rash was shown, H/O small joint pain)
4. Intracranial hemorrhage and its management
5. LP needle and its diagnostic indications.
6. TOF and its management,esophageal varices (endoscopic pic was shown)
7. Bell's palsy
MEDICINE OSPE ( PMC Feb 08, 2012 )
1. Pulmonary edema due to cardiogenic shock, what is the treatment?
2. Pulmonary edema due to accelerated hypertension. What is the treatment?
3. Foley's catheter, how to insert it?
4. Acute Fulminant Ulcerative Colitis, emergency management?
1. LP needle
2. Heparin
3. Adison's disease
4. Erythema nodosum (picture shown), causes and investigations?
5. Aortic regurgitation scenario, diagnosis? physical signs?
6. Swollen knee joint (picture shown), differential diagnosis?
7. Pneumonia scenario, physical signs?
8. Hyponatremia... causes in CCF and other causes?
Tags: Medicine Ospe 2012,
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