OSPE => GYNAE/OBS [2009]
2. Observed station: CUSCO SPECULUM=> uses? if suspicious area seen what is to do?(do colposcopy,biopsy), Rx of cervix ca at stage 3a?(radiology).
3. PLACENTAL ABRUPTION WITH CONCEAL HEMATOMA=> 5 presenting symptoms? 3 factors before making decision about Rx(maternal condition,fetal status, pelvic findings and bishop score).
4. Invasive cervical CA=> it's staging? treatment of 1b(radio/surgery)? standard surgical procedure(wertheim)? which group of lymph node removed(pelvic)?
5. Observed trocar&canula for laparoscopy=> explain procedure
6. Observed IUCD=> mechanism name any hormone releasing?
7. IUCG(LEVONORGESTRL)=> 2advantage of cupper devices?
8.Take history 15years old girl, not menstruating. relevant questions asked? 4 features u will look for? 2 tests? diagnosis? treatment?
9. ECLAMPSIA =>objective during treatment? mode of dlivery?
10. SHOULDR PRESNTATION=> 4 maternal & 4 fetal complications? how to deliver?
11. CERVICAL INCOMPITANCE=> relevant questions in obs history should be asked? what will u do for future pregnancy?
12. CERVICAL CERCLAGE=>indications? describe procedure? 2 complications?
13. UV prolaps with Cystocoel=> causes? treatment? 4 delayed complications?
14. D/D of primary infertility=> 4 possible mechanism to explain infertility due to endometriosis? role of laparoscopy?
15. Trichomonas how to prepare its slide? is it STD? its salient features? treatment?
16. Forcep delivery of head of breech,CTG with two decelerations,
17. Counseling of the followings => women smoker, c-section, PPH, Asherman syndrome, Cuscow, laproscopy, PCOs, suction catheter, abdominal hystrectomy, IUCD, Placenta picture, different mal-position pictures!
18. USG OF ANENCEPHALY=> type of congenital malformation? recur rate? how risk is reduced?
19. CTG=>components with normal values.
20. Maternal DM=> 4 complications? maternal & fetal 3 neonatal complications?
21. PROM=> 2 complications? 3 investigations? 2 drugs used?
22. OBSERVED STATION: EXTENDED BREECH=> is vaginal delivery possible?(yes), 3 factors before delivery, 3 complications?
23. Twin pregnancy=> ante-partem maternal & fetal complications? features of abdominal examination?
24. FETAL SKULL=> give length of different diameters?
25. VENTOUSE DLIVERY=> indications? prerequisites?
26. CTG of fetal hypoxia?
28. BILATERAL OVARIAN CA=> 3 risk factors? screening? treatment? 2 cytotoxic drugs?
29. INCOMPLETE ABORTION=> treatment? complications of procedure done on this case?
30. Auscultate fetal heart rate?
31. Counsel HIV pregnant woman=> transmission? treatment? delivery? can she breastfeed(no)? will it transfer to baby? if it transferred how will u treat it?
32. Wrigley's forceps=> its procedure?
33. Fibroids=> prevalance? treatment? presenting symptoms?
34. Cervical Cerclage=> route? Mcdonald stitch? symptoms of cervical imcompetance? how to diagnose it?
35. Imperforate hymen=> how to make diagnosis? other presenting complaints? treatment?
36. Hysteroscope=> how to use it? 4 indications? 2 complications?
37. Molar prgnancy=> risk factors? how to diagnose? treatment? follow up?
38. PCOS USG=> features? investigations? treatment of menstrual irregularity?
39. Normal menstrual cycle=>define it? name phases? pituitary hormones in secretory phase?
40. Ventouse=> 2 types of cup? contraindications? fetal complications?
41. Interactive: take history of presenting complaints? index pregnancy? past obs history?
42. Prenatal diagnosis with cordocentesis 20wk, amniocntsis15wk,CVS 10WK for cytogenic biochemical enzymatic DNA analysis[ I couldn't understand this question :P]
43. Advice to lady who had c-section 7days back now stitches removed.
44. Pre-eclampsia=> 3 symptoms? 2 fetal complications? recur rate?
45. Fe deficiency anemia peripheral film=> causes? route Fe administration?
46. External cephalic version=> at what gestational age? advantage? 3 contraindications? 4 risks of this?
47. Synto inj=> what is active management of 3rd stage? its other uses? signs of placental separation?
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