
Monday, 23 May 2011


1.Cheyne stroke breathing picture d/d
2. consolidation xray
3.Haliotrope Rash picture d/d?
4.Xanthoma picture d/d
5.squint picture cause
6.microcytic hypochromic picture d/d
7.erythema nodusum picture d/d
8.Herpes zoster picture treatment
9.Jvp raised picture d/d
10.Observed Laryngosocpe usage
11.IHD cousnel
12.Type 1 DM counseling
13.Alcoholic pt counseling
PMC 8th Feb :
1.Laryngoscope(parts....indications....method of insertion)
2.MI complications and t/m – interactive-
3.Anxiety councelling
4.DM councelling
5.Exopthalmos(give 2 clinical signs....disease....treatment)
6.Calculate HR on ECG, causes of tachycardia,(....4 etiologies....heart rate calculation)
7.Metabolic Alkalosis with ABG findings(Type 2 resp failure...tell the abnormality from ABGs)
8.MRI – SOL=>findings?
9.Malar flush(SLE)(diagnostic test of this disease....4 complications from 4 different systems)
10.Digoxin(clinical signs of toxicity....Antidote)
11.Matching(like epigastric pain (pancreatitis), shifted trachea (effusion)
12. Kyphoscoliosis(.etiology....complications)
13. X ray pneumothorax(4 causes....treatment options)
OSPE NMC 8th feb
1. Anti-HCV counseling?
2. CT-interaventricular hemorrage(modality? what do u see? causes? diagnosis?)
3. Sinus bradycardia(ECG was given... is the rhythm regular or irregular?(regular) causes? calculate HR?
4. DM(3 graphs of s...ugar were given... 150gm, 170gm, bove 200 gm) what it shows?
5. X-ray(hyper-inflated lungs, cadiomegaly) findings? causes of cardiomegaly? further investigations?
6. Bell's palsy(diagnosis? if rashes are on ear then what is it called?(Ramsay hunt synd.)
7. Shingles(herpes zoster) diagnosis? long standing symptom(pain)? most specific therapt?(acyclovir)? if it is widely spread then what is the cause?(immunization)
8. Left heart failure- diagnosis? management?
9. Heparin(2 indications? 2 contraindications? name the antidote?)
10. ETT(parts? indications? how to insert?)
11. Post-partum psychosis( diagnosis? discuss treatment?)
12. Clubbing(what is shown in picture? give 4 possible diagnosis? name 3 investigations?
13. Matching (left parasternal heave=right ventriculat hypertrophy, pusating liver=right heart failure, tenderness in RIF= appendicitis, bronchial breath sounds= consolidation, periorbital puffiness= nephrotic syndrome.)
OSPE SIMS 8th feb
1.hemaccel coposition(what type of solution? 3 indications? contraindications?
2. 22 gauge branula(uses? complications?
3. Marfan's(picute of hyper-extended thumb)=> d/d? common at what age?
4. CT Scan Brain showing Intrace...rebral Haemorrhage with Ventricular Extension (What is this modality? findings? diagnosis?
5.ECG showing inferior wall MI(Findings? Diagnosis? 3 steps of management?
6.strawberry tounge(Identify? D/D? Common in what age?(childhood))
7. pleural effusion(What investigation is this? finding? likely diagnosis?)
8. malarial parasite( diagnosis? should we treat urgently this condition? prognosis?
9.hep b counselling(a man who has hepB is about to get married after 2 months afraid that his wife will contract HepB from him)
10. Ptosis (unilateral) (Finding? why this drooping has occurred? Causes?)
11. Counselling Hyperlipidemia (Dietary)
12. ECG with examine
OSPE of FMC...08-02-11
1.Neurofibromatosis(identify picture? management? neurological signs?)
2. CSF picture of bacterial meningitis(diagnosis of CSF findngs? treatment? pick abnormal findings in the report?
3. Hep B counseling(counsel a preg woman regrding antenatal risk,breastfeding, preventive measures for her married life..<intractive station> )
4. Folley's catheter(dentify? name parts?...complications?..<inttractive station>
5.antipsychotic(psychiatry...scenerio..a 17 yr old boy came with sudden onset of rigidity n protruding tongue...
answr<ask relvant questns in history><sugst Rx><prog n counsel>????
6.lobar pneumonia-x-ray (2caustve organisms? 4 physical sign??
7.acanthosis nigricans(idntify? etiolgy?)
8.spider nevi
9.subarachnoid haemorrhage....idntify the picture?..mangement? abnormality in the picture?
10.dobutamin(indications?contraindications? substitute??
11.MI(ecg-- st elevation) =>2 blood tests? mangement?
12. Matching(match the follwing
spleen- myelofibrosis
murmur -thyrotoxicosis
13. tension pneumothorax(....a man develops suddn dysnea and high grde a chronic smoker; other chest findings are norml.<spntaneous pneumothorax> management?
HFH RMC 8th feb
1. scenario of hepatic encaph: dx? 3 steps of management?
2. ETT picture: identify? give 3 complications?
3. butterfly rash picture: dx SLE?, write 5 signs?
4. scenario of metabolic acidosis: give 2 d/d (dka,salicylate poisoning), give 1 test to differentiate between ur d/d (urine test)
5. X-ray of pneumothorax: tell 3 findings on xray? write dx?
6. pic of RHD(swollen knee joints): dx (rheumatic heart disease)? give 3 major criteria?
7. hydrocortisone: identify? 3 uses?
8. scenario of anxiety disorder: tell dx? 3 drugs for Rx?
9. picture of hypothyroidism: tell dx? 3 tests?
10. interactive: management of hemetemesis?
11. interactive: MI ECG: dx? management?
12. interactive: prevention of spread of active TB?
13. interactive: diabetes counselling?
AIMC OSPE(8-2-11)
2-endotracheal tube
3-schizophrenia counselling
4-erythema mutform
5-hep B counseling(observed)
6-meningits D/D(observed)
7-inferior wall MI
8-DVT and drugs used to treat it
9-extra dural hemorrage
10-enlaged heart x-ray
11.Tophaceous gout
12. Phenytoin
13. metabolic acidosis
WMC:8th feb:
1.Pulmonary edeme
2. DM
3. vent. tachycardia
4.ct infarct
5. xray opacity
6. acute gout
7. bromchiectasis----treatment? d/d?
8. meningitis
9. ureamia physical signs
10.herpes zoster
11.PCO management
12. h.pylori management n tests.
SZMC ospe....
1.ECG of MI... findings? diagnosis? imediate managment?
2.exophthalmos, hand clubbing wd resp.snerio,diagnosis? d/d? investigations?
3. LP nedl,nam,uses,
4.metabolc acidosis scnerio wd biochem,diag.causes,invst.
5 snerio of scurvy n pic of bledng gum.caus n odr featurs.
6 ivu,findngs n causes.
7.hydrocortison.ind.side effects?
8,intrctive,counslng of DVT.
9.Depression question? cause? management? duration of treatment?
10. Dcmpnstd Liver with hmatemsis in emrgncy, management?
11. Counslng hep.b (immunization)
12. CT Brain... infrction.
OSPE fsd medical university
1-NG tube indications and side effects
3-psoriasis picture and treatment
4-depression treatment
...5-x-ray copd findings
6-CT cereberal infarct and its cause which is atrial fibrillation in this scenario
7-infective endocarditis,pic of nail and eye
8-rheumatoid pic give 2 findings
9-bronchogenic carcinoma,causing laryngeal nerve palsy
10-CLD,hematemasis,HCV +ve give treatment
13-diabetes complications and name hypoglycemc agents
qamc oscpe(8th feb)
larngoscpoe uses? complication ov use?
fever graph swinging fever condition? causes ov relative bradycardia?
hypertensive retinopathy investigation? instrument? finding?
zolmitrptan category? uses? complication?
typhoid fever scenario will hav it if visit that area again? preventive measures? vaccination available or nt? schedule ov vaccination?
pulse graph pulse bisferians causes?
metabolic acidosis findings? causes?
xray abdomen gall stone carrier state? operation? if chemotheraphy effective? name investigation?
xray chest bullae findings? disease?
picture plus scenario wegener granulomatosis wat lesion? diagnosis? wat drug modify it?
ecg ventricular tachycardia finding? diagnosis?
interactive tb councelling hw to protect family?
interactive depression diagnosis? treatment? duration of treatment?

WMC 9th feb OSPE
Autosomal recessive (identify, diseases), paraoxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria(dx,features),multiple myeloma(lesion,dx,investigations),atenolol(group,indications,contra),ecg(MI,rx,complications),graves (identify,rx), liver biopsy(needle identify,complications),mediastinal shift(dx,findings),ehler...s danlos syndrome (findings,dx,features),interactive: lp needle, hbsAg positive male,NG tube insertion.Hep A - transmission, precautions, carrier state?
sims 03/02/2011
1. Lp needle (indication, contra. Ind.)
2. Heparin (indicatn. , toxic eff.)
3. Erythema nodosum (finding, causes)
4. Wernicke's (clinical feat. 3, trea‎5. Scenario of AR (diag. 3 other physcl fndngs)
6. Scenario of lower lobe pneumonia(physical findings, empirical treatment)
7. Picture of inflammed, red, swollen joint (findings, 3 causes)
8. Scenario of addison's wth pic. Of hypopigmentation
(diag.,2 tests)
9. Interactive (diag. &trtmnt. Of pulmonary edema)
10. Interactive (folley's , parts, technique)
11. Interactive (pulm. Edema, diag. N trtmnt.)
12. Interactive (trtmnt. Of ulcerative colitis )
13. Scenario of dilutional hyponatremia , ccf(type of hyponatremia, other causes of ths type )
we had 2 interactive statns. Of pulm. Edema (diff. Scenario)
Fmh 09
Chest xray with opacity and history of painless hematuria(52 year old man, weighloss, fever, and painless hematuria. With the opacity shown. Left lung. It wasn't a proper so called coin lesion. Fluffly thi thori. I did TB. Though I thought of Ca also..but I moved to tb. I also had ...Goodpastuer Syndrome in mind!),
ct brain with hypodense region
vitiligo and associated diseases
gentamicin drug
ecg with scenario man presented with black out ecg showing v.tchycrdia
oxygen mask
management of mi
anxiety/panic counselling
tongue candidiasis
acute git bleed management
anemic mother pregnant cause, investigation and counselling.
Ulcerative colitis...pyoderma gangreonosum
Simian crease...trisomy 21
OSPE wah medical college 9-2-2011
Interactive stations
1.Hep B coucelling abt diet,Rx n tests fr diagnosis.
2.NG tube.. n C/I(c/I in corrosive acid/alkali poisoning fr lavage)
...3.LP needle method lumbar puncture method n C/I
4. Hep A councelling fr precautions n carrier state.
1. Inheritance flow sheet.. Mode of inheritance: autosomal recessive
gve examples.
2. A pic of urine samples in test tube wd diff. colours diag.. paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
other features?
3.graves pic.. Dx n Rx
4. Right sided colapse on x-ray diag? Features?
5. Liver biopsy needle indication n hazards
6.multiple myeloma x-ray name lesions dx n invest?
7.MI , Complications
8.marfan synd pic associated features?
AIMC OSPE 9.02.11
A/E of digoxin
XRAY Consolidation+Bronchogram
Intracerebral hematoma
Nephrotic syndrome(Interactive)
Pericardial effusion cardiac temponade
Viral hep
Obesity counseling
qmc 9.2.11
constrictive pericarditis ecg
tb counsling
pulmonary hypertension x ray
metabolic acidosis
h.zoster rash pic from davidson
1.ptosis pic,2 causes,why drooping eyelid,
2.ecg Mi,clinical symtoms,3 steps for emergncy treatment
4.malaria pic of bld smear,symts,drugs
5.eryethema nodosom pic,causes,is it painful or no?
6.multiple sclerosis ct,invstigatins
7.obstrutv jaundice,causes,1invstigation
8.sle butrflyrash pic,diagnostic tests,2 systemic manisfestins
9.ulnar deviation xray,rheumtd arthritis,diagnostic criteria
4 interactive-DM lifestyle modification,DM diet counselling,dka managment,hep b counselling for other home members,will hep b transmit to baby?cn she breast feed?wat to do for baby if mother is hep b postive?
Nmc ospe..
1 leg ulcer pic..dia wagnr grnulomatosis treament
2..ptosis pic,causes
3..multple sclrosis scenrio wid mri.. Invstgn
4 match box
...5 livr biopsy nedle,complctns
6 hepts b pregncy couseling
7 foley cather,indctn
8 ett,larygoscope
9 dopler,echocardio
10 cardiac asthma,mangment
11 x ray emphsma complctn
12 fundoscopy,htn retinopathy.

ADRENALINE identify and 3 uses
LP needle identify 3 uses
scenario diag... schicoph 3 drugs
rash pic... herpes zoster... 3 drugs used
...d/d of ant chst pain nt relivd by nitrats... and 2 investig
xray... b/l hilar lymphadenopathy or mediastinal widen... not sure... d/d
exophthalmos... signs and diag
scenrio....diag bact meningitis and d/d
rash daig...sle 2 diag tests
ccf or left ventr faliure 3 drugs

TB counselling
hepatocellular ca counselling
acute sever astma managment

1.hypothyroidism...clinical signs...relevant questions to ask...
2.tension pneumothorax...signs nd treatment...
3.respiratory acidosis wid compensatory alkalosis...causes
4.multiple sclerosis...investigation nd eye defect...
5.acute severe
6.depressio counselling...
7.respiratory acidosis...
8.hepatits C investigatn nd treatment...
9.foleyz catheter...indicatn nd side effects..
11.subdural haematoma...treatment..
12.insulin...indications nd side effects...
13.pulmonary edema...treatment..

10-2011 NMC Ospe
1.Porphyria(color bottles ..with urine samples and hx of thrombosis)
2.hep B counciling
3.counciling regarding Rheumatic heart disease.
4.councling schizophrenia
6.terphine biopsy needle.biopsy aspirate needle
7.murmurs (diagramatic representation..Murmur graphs .. MS, MR , AS, AR PDA)
9.chart of intermittent fever(pattern? causes?)
10.CXR..hydropneumothorax(findings? dx? rx)
11.MRI brain(hydrocephalus)
12.autosomal recessive diseases(pattern of transmition? examples?)
13.ambubag and op airway.(interactive)
 1 . Counselling regarding hep b risk after a needle prick from hep b positive individual. 2. Counselling a patient regarding hypertension. INTERACTIVE STATIONS 3.identify the x ray pneumothorax and treatment.4. Scenario of DKA and treatment .5. Identify the lesion in nails of a patients having RA (splin...ter haemrrohages) what complication has occured and name drug for its prevention. 6. Picture of acromegaly explain loss of visual actuy in this case and name visual field defect(bitemporal hemianopia)7. Picture of ring worm lesion and its treatment 8. Depression scenario and its treatment 9. Menigitis scenario and its D/D and investigation 10. Drugs Calcium gluconate and its uses 11.laryngoscope

Acne picture from internet, treatment
Collapse right sided XRay, causes
Horner syndrom, causes, what signs evident
Match columns
...Amiodarone drug, indication, complication
Heberdon node, underlying pathology, What found on its x ray
Anterior wall MI EKG
CT Abdomen, hypodense areas, differentials.
Metabolic acidosis, Partial pressure with ph and HCO3 given, diagnosis, treatment
interactive stations:
1 NG Tube, proceudre demo, indications, contraindications, complications
2 Inferior wall MI, drugs, complications, management lifestyle
3 Pos Myocardial case, your suggestions
4 . Depression lady with management, your advi...

10-02-11 LMDC ospe
1)- Iron deficiency anemia (identification, sign/ symptoms, confirmatory test)
...2)- Fundoscopic picture of diabetic retinopathy (treatment, name of hemorrhages)
3)- Metabolic acidosis (causes, investigations)
4)- SLE (systemic manifestations, investigations)
5)- Scleroderma (types
6)- Pulses paradoxis (seen in which diseases)
7)- Abraham's pleural biopsy needle (uses, drawbacks)
8)- Hypothyroidism (treatment, investigations, features)
9)- Estelopram (contraindications, side effects, group)
10, 11)- Counceing of a diabetic patient 2 spots
12)- Ambu bag and oro pharyngial air way (indications, demenstrate the use)
13)- Counceling differential diagnosis and treatment of an anxious patient
*dermatitis herpetiformis......pic given......associated dis...and treatment.
*right bundle branch block......RSR(M) pattern on ECG.....causes.
*pitting of nails......diagnosis......other nail problems in same dis.
*CT abdomen......Cart wheel... app in the liver......diag(hydatid cyst)...treatment.
*CXR....straightning of left border of heart...MS.....other findings on auscultation.
*matching was easy(no need to panic)
*frusemide....side effects.
*concelling.....1. senile dementia.
2.LP procedure
3.person taking steroid....councell reagrdin side effects....and how to stop drug.
10th feb(college?)
calcium gluconate idetify and uses
lyrngoscope uses
scenario of depression drugs used in it
councelling of a doctor who got pricked by a needle contaminated by hep b
photo of acromegaly, y she is getting eye prob, wat eye prob
xray of pleural effusion, diagnostic test
x ray of pneumothorax management
scenario of DKA management
councelling of a patient to quit smoking
tinea corporis, drugs used

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