UHS OSPE Surgery February 2012
UHS OSPE Surgery (LMC Feb 09, 2012)
In growing nail, Foley’s catheter, Deaver’s retractor, subdural hematoma, Hydrocele, Lumber puncture technique
Interactive stations: Carbuncle, Incisional hernia. Cullen’s sign, Pleural effusion /pneumoheamthorax, Colle's fracture
UHS OSPE Surgery (SMC Feb 10, 2012)
1. Colles fracture 2.Extra dural hematoma CT scan 3. DVT 4. T-tube cholangiogram 5. ETT 6.Pneumothorax x-ray 7. IVP 8. Lipoma 9.Meckels diverticulum
Interactive stations: Hydatid cyst CT scan, Non crushing intestinal clamp
UHS OSPE Surgery (LMDC Feb 10, 2012)
Tracheostomy complications and uses, Proline suture non-absorbable synthetic uses, Cullen’s sign, Infected sebaceous cyst, Perforated intestine (picture), Cause gall stone, Ganglion, Haemorrhoids, Laryngoscope, Extradural hematoma, Valgus deformity of big toe, Kidney and gall bladder stone on x-ray.
UHS OSPE Surgery (PMC Feb 10, 2012)
Observed STATIONS: picture of exophthalmos , picture and x-ray of road traffic injury resulting in diapHgragmatic rupture. Unobserved : Sundural hematoma , knee fracture , ways for artificial respiration , Courvoiser's law , Intermittent claudication , Hemorroids , Thyroid nodule , Inguinal hernia , Urinary bladder carcinoma
UHS OSPE Surgery (PMC Feb 11, 2012)
1. Graves disease picture (Exophthalmos and diffusely enlarged thyroid) diagnosis? Management options? Complications of thyroidectomy?
2. Hard nodule in breast 2x2cm with two axillary nodes, diagnosis? Staging? Triple assessment? Treatment?
3. Scenario of head trauma and unconsciousness, diagnosis? Investigations? Treatment?
4. ETT, Complications, Mode of sterilization
5. Picture of ulcer on foot and history of diabetes, diagnosis? Cause? Types of amputation?
6. ERCP showing dilated common bile duct with stones, Treatment options? Complications of ERCP?
7. Six months child with projectile vomiting and palpable epigastric mass, what is the diagnosis? Metabolic abnormality? Treatment?
8. Haematuria and suprapubic pain, diagnosis? Investigations? Treatment options for bladder stones? Causes of painless hematuria?
9. X-ray of 60 years old female showing nof, complications, treatment?
10. Smoker with progressive dysphagia, barium swallow showing shouldering defect with narrowing of esophagus.diagnosis? How will you confirm? Investigations to assess the spread?
UHS OSPE Surgery (NMC Feb 11, 2012)
Observe stations:
Renal ca x-ray mets.atypical feature,why hb raised?
Cystic hygroma material treatment complication
Seventy year old, fracture femur neck,cause, treatment?
Esopageal cancer on barium swallow (stricture)
Mesenteric cyst
Extradural hematoma on CTt scan
Vaporizer instrument, 2 drugs for gas inhalation,complications of halothane
X-ray chest (gas under diaphragm) cause ? what other causes? Emergency management?
Interctive stations:
Nipple eroded 2 lesion (Eczema, Paget's disease), treatment?
Hyperthyroidism (MNG) Symptioms treatment?
.UHS OSPE Surgery (RMC Feb 12, 2012)
Breast CA
Cholecystectomy specimen , gall stones
1- SUPRAPUBIC CYSTOSTOMY TUBE/CATHETER (used in uretheral injury , stenosis)
Indications: uretheral injury , stenosis , blood at meatus
Diagnosis: UTI , hemorrhage , Bladder injury
2- X-Ray NECK lateral view C2 cervical spine fracture
Complications: quadriplegia ,respiratory failure
Management: ( incision and drainage , analgesic , antibiotic)
Prevention: (oral hygiene , stop smokeless tobacco ( naswar, bettlenut ) and smoking
Steps at reception : ABCD of ATLS , resuscitation
Definite Treatment: chest tube intubation with underwater seal
5- ANESTHESIA MACHINE for monitoring general anesthesia
Any 2 parts?
Monitor: care at end user : check all parts after usage , do not put with on machine, clean after usage
6-TOWEL CLIP : Uses: holding drapes , draping, drain in drapes
Emergency usage :same
Sterilization : autoclave
Tags: UHS Surgery Ospe , LMC, SMC, LMDC, NMC, RMC
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